Outsource QA & Maintenance
Utilities in an Organization are the essential provision that plays a vital role in its operation. In any industry, it covers a range of services/duties/work, etc. It acts as a supporting system to other operations. The persons in the utility department must have knowledge about different types of equipment like boilers, Chiller, compressors, water tanks, RO Plant, DM water plants, softening, cranes, Transformers, LT & HT lines, Pumps, etc.
Any little negligence can become a heavy penalty for the company. so a proper operation and maintenance of utility equipment can help the other operations to run smoothly. Therefore, Srijan Solutions provides you skilled & highly trained manpower that manages them properly.

Benefits of Outsource, QA & Maintenance
Why You Should Choose Our Services?
- Our firm specializes in offering consultancy in outsource services, such as maintenance, utility, and SQA with experience of more than 8 years and employed 250 personnel across industries.
- The system we have developed for assistance is innovative and highly profitable to our clients.
- Our in-house services are developed and designed keeping in mind employees and teams to meet the pre-defined goals.
- Srijan Solutions will have its representative working for you on a specific period once we enter into a goal-meeting mode.
List of Equipment's Within Our Scope
- Power Generation & Distribution and employed 250 personnel across industries.
- DG Sets Electricals Switchyards
- Effluent Treatment Plant
- Water Treatment plant
- HVAC & Chillers-Chillers & Pumps, Compressors, Cooling Towers